Sign the Petition to Support the Dyslexia Diagnosis Access Act!

Let Governor Hochul know you support the Dyslexia Diagnosis Access Act!

My bill, the Dyslexia Diagnosis Act (A.2898/S.5481) passed both houses this legislative session and now will go to the Governor for her signature. 

The bill mandates that private health insurance policies pay for neuropsychological exams for the purpose of diagnosing dyslexia. It is the first of its kind in the nation! The cost of these exams (between $6,000 - $10,000) are one of the major barriers to children getting a positive identification of the nature of their learning disability and therefore the services they need.  By making such evaluations affordable, this legislation will change the lives of thousands of children and their families across New York State.

Who's signing

jodi heywood
Kristin Papadopoulos
Susan McKenna
Marjorie De La Cruz Boben
Grace Veras Sealy
Henry Matthews
Elizabeth Lucadamo
Richard LaMarita
Offer Sharaby
Orli LeWinter
Kelly Agnew-Barajas
Nicole Williams
Joanna Kalb
malika green
Pamela Ryan
heather rajamani
Julie Underwood
Kathryn Barbieri
Elizabeth Mayward
Ken Lippmann
Sandra Lippmann
Suzanne Clarkson
Dorothy Leech
Asia Bukszpan
Elaina Greco
Catherine Cruz
Joanne Rotunno
tania szilagyi
Jamie Serlin
Laura Campbell-Lui
2,490 signatures

Will you sign?

Showing 1738 reactions

  • jodi heywood
    signed 2018-12-02 21:13:10 -0500
  • Kristin Papadopoulos
    signed 2018-12-02 20:14:10 -0500
  • Susan McKenna
    signed 2018-12-01 22:32:42 -0500
  • Marjorie De La Cruz Boben
    signed 2018-12-01 10:12:42 -0500
  • Grace Veras Sealy
    signed 2018-11-30 22:37:34 -0500
    This is so needed by our children, I hope it comes to pass.
  • Henry Matthews
    signed 2018-11-30 22:32:50 -0500
    Fine work Bobby.
  • Elizabeth Lucadamo
    signed 2018-11-30 22:11:04 -0500
    This is a must!
  • Richard LaMarita
    signed 2018-11-30 19:09:48 -0500
    Very important issue.
  • Offer Sharaby
    signed 2018-11-30 18:43:40 -0500
  • Orli LeWinter
    signed 2018-11-30 18:36:20 -0500
  • Kelly Agnew-Barajas
    signed 2018-11-30 18:26:24 -0500
  • Nicole Williams
    signed 2018-11-30 17:13:54 -0500
  • Joanna Kalb
    signed 2018-11-30 16:50:10 -0500
  • malika green
    signed 2018-11-30 16:27:55 -0500
    malika green
  • Pamela Ryan
    signed via 2018-11-28 11:37:03 -0500
    Screening for dysgraphia is needed as well
  • heather rajamani
    signed via 2018-11-28 10:13:52 -0500
  • Julie Underwood
    signed via 2018-11-28 10:06:19 -0500
  • Kathryn Barbieri
    signed via 2018-11-28 10:02:49 -0500
  • Elizabeth Mayward
    signed via 2018-11-28 09:50:28 -0500
  • Ken Lippmann
    signed via 2018-11-28 09:47:21 -0500
    Ken Lippmann
  • Sandra Lippmann
    signed 2018-11-26 17:55:40 -0500
  • Suzanne Clarkson
    signed 2018-11-26 14:10:59 -0500
  • Dorothy Leech
    signed via 2018-11-23 15:19:04 -0500
    This action has been needed so much for decades. The school system can save thousands of students from frustration and shame by testing and treating dyslexia early. Ultimately the school system will save money, and overall reading scores will rise.
  • Asia Bukszpan
    signed 2018-11-21 19:50:44 -0500
  • Elaina Greco
    signed 2018-11-20 17:57:45 -0500
  • Catherine Cruz
    signed 2018-11-19 15:01:26 -0500
  • Joanne Rotunno
    signed 2018-11-19 06:49:23 -0500
    Wonderful that dyslexia is finally getting the recognition it needs.
  • tania szilagyi
    signed 2018-11-17 12:04:21 -0500
    I know first hand how devastating is for a child the lack of properly diagnosing dyslexia as soon as reading difficulties are experienced.

    Children believe they are stupid and their self esteem is for for ever damaged. Proper diagnosis and timely help could prevent life long issues.
  • Jamie Serlin
    signed 2018-11-17 11:19:34 -0500
  • Laura Campbell-Lui
    signed 2018-11-17 10:07:12 -0500